Join the Pact for Skills Large Scale Skills Partnership for the health ecosystem

The Partnership aims to bring together all health stakeholders involved in the field of skills and support the twin transition to a green and digital economy, make EU health systems more competitive globally and enhance Europe’s open strategic autonomy. It will do this by creating a movement to discuss, anticipate, and address the skill needs of the health workforce, factoring in current issues such as staff shortages; identifying and forecasting the skill gaps in the sector; bringing together existing initiatives; and working towards a future-proof skills strategy to be implemented at local, regional, national, and, ultimately, European levels. Have a look at [...]

By |2024-04-11T14:23:15+00:00April 11, 2024|Categories: News, Uncategorized|Tags: |0 Comments

BeWell project in “a Europe that cares, prepares and protects”

To mark the 2024 Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Belgian health presidency team and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies worked together to reflect on a selection of key priorities for the next Commission’s agenda with regard to the European Health Union, within a special issue of Eurohealth, the Journal of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies.  The Belgian EU Council presidency is coming at a crucial time: at the end of the current EU Commission’s term of office and coinciding with European elections. This provides an opportunity to reflect on [...]

By |2024-01-26T09:31:37+00:00January 26, 2024|Categories: News, Uncategorized|Tags: |0 Comments

Invitation to Engage in the Pilot Training on Urgent Needs for Digital Skills

You can now join the health workforce participating in the Pilot Training for Urgent Needs for Digital Skills that starts on January 22nd, 2024. The Pilot Training aims to address the urgent needs for both Digital Skills and Green Skills that arose in the health sector, during and following the COVID-19 pandemic.  The BeWell project addresses the need to prepare the health and care workforce for green and digital solutions introduced in the European health and care systems, to ensure they can respond to current and future challenges. This invitation is accompanied by a description of the topics involved in the pilot training and [...]

By |2024-01-22T10:54:29+00:00January 22, 2024|Categories: News, Uncategorized|Tags: |0 Comments

1st workshop of the Pact for Skills: Large-scale Partnership for the Health Ecosystem

The Pact for Skills Large-Scale Partnership for the Health Ecosystem organized the 1st workshop for its members on the 22 of November 2023, in Brussels. This event, facilitated by EUREGHA,  aimed at engaging for the first time with members of the Large-Scale Partnership (LSP) for the Health Ecosystem, to provide a flash introduction on the work of BeWell project, and collect their expert feedback on key elements of the project’s work – the Theory of Change underlying the Digital and Green Skills Strategy, and the training curricula development activities. Members also had the chance to network, connect with each other [...]

By |2023-11-28T14:51:25+00:00November 28, 2023|Categories: News, Uncategorized|Tags: |0 Comments

Europe takes a leap: launch of the Digital and Green Skills Strategy for the health and care workforce

BeWell project is a multi-stakeholder movement, created by and with the health and care workforce, to develop digital and green skills intelligence for a strategy focused on the upskilling and reskilling of the European health and care workforce. The first version of the BeWell Skills Strategy was launched on 7 June 2023, during the EHMA2023 conference, in Rome and was attended by a wide range of stakeholders from the health and care ecosystem such as health managers, academics, NGOs, policy-makers and labour market actors. The BeWell Skills Strategy is about the digital and green upskilling and reskilling of the health and [...]

By |2023-06-16T12:17:30+00:00June 13, 2023|Categories: News, Uncategorized|Tags: |0 Comments
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