At BeWell project we will contribute to the transformation of healthcare

Fostering a sustainable, fair and resilient ecosystem, with a clear blueprint for sectoral cooperation

European countries have increasingly been recognising the importance of adopting green and digital solutions. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the health challenges that Member States have been facing, and the pressures on health systems, but it has also provided an opportunity for European countries to accelerate their digital and green transitions via the mass adoption of digital solutions in a world requiring physical distancing.


At BeWell project we will help transform the healthcare sector in the European Union and improve its sustainability

BeWell will:

Develop skills intelligence on the digital and green skills needs of the health workforce.
Establish the first Blueprint Alliance for the health ecosystem to create a skills strategy to be implemented at a local, regional, national, and ultimately European level though the Pact for Skills.
Launch a large-scale skills partnership under the Pact for Skills initiative.
Develop and implement a pilot training programme on digital and green skills in the healthcare sector and for emerging occupational profiles.

Embedded in the European Skills Agenda 2020, we will focus on developing and implementing outputs that will be directly linked with the first flagship activity of the agenda, the Pact for Skills.

Who will benefit from BeWell?

We will seek engagement and involvement of target groups and relevant stakeholders in the health sector, including in education and training

Building on the skills intelligence and expert networks engaged in the research, since its start, the project will use co-creation methods to assure the appropriate engagement and participation of the project’s target groups and final users. Extensive stakeholder engagement activities will help prioritize, define challenges and identify solutions for developing, reviewing, validating and integrating project results.

  • Healthcare workers: doctors, nurses, other staff

  • Policy and decision makers at local, regional and EU level

  • Labor market associations

  • Students and higher education and VET providers

  • Patients
