Time to celebrate: The Pact for Skills LSP Health reaches 50 Members! Read our first key insights from the 2nd LSP workshop in Brussels

Over the past few months, BeWell partners have been working hard to bring new key stakeholders on board to embark on and enrich our journey towards a more digital and green healthcare sector. We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone: the Pact for Skills Large-Scale Skills Partnership (LSP) for the Health Ecosystem reaches 50 members! This achievement underscores our collective commitment to strengthening skills across the health sector. As we look ahead, we eagerly anticipate welcoming more organizations and stakeholders who share our vision for a future-ready workforce equipped with the skills to drive Europe’s green and digital transition. [...]

By |2024-12-02T12:08:45+00:00December 2, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: |0 Comments

Three major achievements since the last edition of the BeWell Newsletter

  BeWell Partners met in Bergamo, Italy (attach this photo), in June 2024, for their/our annual project meeting! 3 days of working together for better alignment and building synergies in order to provide a better future for our health workers and deliver upskilling and re-skilling training opportunities in digital and green competences!    We have successfully launched the BeWell Skills Strategy Online Public Consultation in June 2024. Now fully available in BeWell project's 9 national languages | Find the links to all the languages here (English, French, Dutch, German, Greek, Romanian, Italian, Bulgarian, Norwegian).   BeWell is creating connections across [...]

By |2024-11-29T15:26:28+00:00November 29, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: |0 Comments

What comes next for BeWell in the first 3 months of 2025!

Discover & Contribute: Help Us Shape the Future! Check out our Skills Monitor—a living resource that tracks and highlights vital skills offerings for a digital and green heaalthcare sector. But here’s the exciting part: you can contribute! Whether you’re a professional, a learner, or an enthusiast in green and sustainable healthcare, your expertise and ideas matter. Help us enrich the Skills Monitor by suggesting new content. Share your suggestions through this form, or by email to A.vanSchaaijk@nivel.nl. Together, we can ensure it stays dynamic and relevant.   Join the Conversation: Online Public Consultation is Open! We value your feedback and [...]

By |2024-12-11T09:50:54+00:00November 29, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: |0 Comments

Creating a competence description matrix – BeWell project

Introduction When one wants to outline the content of a qualification, it can be very useful to organise the specific learning outcomes in a competence matrix. By doing this, it is easy for both the learner and the educator to see what is expected from the learner. By using the European frameworks of EQF and ECVET, one can easily create such a matrix. For the BeWell project, a significant number of matrices are either developed or in process of development. The matrices will cover three main areas: Digital Competence, Green Skills, and Emerging Occupations. For the Digital Competence, one main [...]

By |2024-11-29T15:24:35+00:00November 29, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: |0 Comments

BeWell Skills Strategy: partecipa alla consultazione pubblica!

Il progetto BeWell è entusiasta di annunciare una consultazione pubblica sullo sviluppo di una futura Skills Strategy. Questa indagine invita gli stakeholder di tutta Europa a fornire un feedback sui potenziali contenuti della strategia, che si concentrerà sul miglioramento delle competenze digitali e verdi nel settore sanitario e assistenziale. Il progetto BeWell Il progetto BeWell è un'iniziativa collaborativa finanziata da Erasmus+ che mira a rispondere alle esigenze in evoluzione della forza lavoro nel settore sanitario e assistenziale. Riunendo esperti di vari settori, BeWell cerca di sviluppare strategie e strumenti innovativi per sostenere e migliorare le competenze professionali in tutta Europa. [...]

By |2024-11-01T10:20:53+00:00November 1, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: |0 Comments

BeWell Kompetansestrategi: Delta i den åpne offentlige høringen!

BeWell-prosjektet har gleden av å kunngjøre en åpen offentlig høring om utviklingen av en fremtidig kompetansestrategi for helsefag. Denne undersøkelsen inviterer interessenter fra hele Europa til å gi tilbakemelding på det potensielle innholdet i strategien, som vil fokusere på å styrke digitale og grønne ferdigheter i helse- og omsorgssektoren. Om BeWell-prosjektet BeWell-prosjektet er et samarbeidsinitiativ finansiert av EU-programmet Erasmus+ som tar sikte på å møte de skiftende behovene til arbeidsstyrken i helse- og omsorgssektoren. BeWell samler eksperter fra ulike sektorer for å utvikle innovative strategier og verktøy for å støtte og forbedre faglige ferdigheter i hele Europa. Prosjektet fokuserer på [...]

By |2024-11-01T10:20:29+00:00November 1, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: |0 Comments

Στρατηγική δεξιοτήτων BeWell: Πάρτε μέρος στην Ανοικτή Δημόσια Διαβούλευση!

Το πρόγραμμα BeWell είναι ενθουσιασμένο που ανακοινώνει μια ανοικτή δημόσια διαβούλευση σχετικά με την ανάπτυξη μιας μελλοντικής στρατηγικής για τις δεξιότητες. Η εν λόγω έρευνα καλεί τους ενδιαφερόμενους φορείς από όλη την Ευρώπη να παράσχουν ανατροφοδότηση σχετικά με το πιθανό περιεχόμενο της στρατηγικής, η οποία θα εστιάζει στην ενίσχυση των ψηφιακών και πράσινων δεξιοτήτων στον τομέα της υγείας και της περίθαλψης. Σχετικά με το BeWell Project Το έργο BeWell είναι μια συνεργατική πρωτοβουλία που χρηματοδοτείται από το πρόγραμμα Erasmus+ και αποσκοπεί στην αντιμετώπιση των εξελισσόμενων αναγκών του εργατικού δυναμικού στον τομέα της υγείας και της περίθαλψης. Συγκεντρώνοντας εμπειρογνώμονες από διάφορους [...]

By |2024-11-01T10:20:06+00:00November 1, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: |0 Comments

Press Release: BeWell Skills Strategy – Participate in the Online Public Consultation!

The BeWell project is excited to announce an online public consultation on the development of a future Skills Strategy. This survey invites stakeholders from across Europe to provide feedback on the potential contents of the strategy, which will focus on enhancing digital and green skills in the health and care sector.   About the BeWell Project The BeWell project is a collaborative initiative funded by the Erasmus+ programme, aimed at addressing the evolving needs of the health and care workforce. By bringing together experts from various sectors, BeWell seeks to develop innovative strategies and tools to support and enhance professional [...]

By |2024-10-21T10:57:46+00:00September 17, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: |0 Comments

Educating the market: reciprocal knowledge exchange between demand and supply side focusing on the skills for the digital and green transitions

Motivation for the event Both BeWell “Blueprint alliance for a future health workforce strategy on digital and green skills” and DHU “Digital Health Uptake” tackle key priorities at EU and national level related to the use and wider adoption of digital health practices, and the associated skills and expertise of the European health workforce should possess to enable and accelerate the green and digital transitions of the health and care world. Event synopsis A robust digital health acceleration strategy should include training in digital health, not only within the curricula of healthcare professionals and allied workers but also across various [...]

By |2024-06-14T11:23:25+00:00June 13, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: |0 Comments

BeWell session at EHMA 2024

The European Health Management Association (EHMA), the Ministry of Health of Romania and the National Institute for Health Services Management (INMSS) are pleased to announce the 29th edition of the European Health Management Conference to take place on 5-7 June 2024 in Bucharest, Romania. BeWell project organises the session "Charting the path: green and digital skills for Europe's healthcare workforce" on Friday 07 May 2024, at 11:15pm. This session is dedicated to crafting a green and digital skills strategy tailored for Europe’s healthcare workforce. With a focus on addressing existing skills gaps and strengthening competencies crucial for the future resilience of the health workforce, [...]

By |2024-05-29T13:01:15+00:00May 29, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: |0 Comments
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