EUROMASC has experience and competence from long time cooperation with national and international organisations within education and training. EUROMASC is tracing its origins in 1995 and operates as a 2008 spinoff from the Norwegian operation of the EU programme Leonardo da Vinci at the National Institute of Technology.
The main field of operation is the implementation of Learning Outcome based instruments for qualification definition and description. Validation and recognition of prior learning (VNIL/RPL) targeting accreditation of skills and competences with training programmes and certifications supported from the Skillsbank platform for transparency and permeability between different strands of professional education and training.
BeWell will profit from the use of transnational instruments like EQF, EQAVET with ECVET-principles, ESCO and Europass for upskilling and reskilling in a lifelong learning perspective. With Skillsbank serving as hub the implementation of training programmes and MOOCs will be linked to personal competence accounts for CV use.