EuroHealthNet is the European partnership of public health organisations, building a healthier future for all by addressing social determinants of health and reducing inequalities between and within countries. Our focus is on preventing diseases and promoting good health by working within and beyond health and care systems.
As a partner of the BeWell project, EuroHealthNet will advocate the inclusion of skills for public health, to address existing skill mismatches and strengthen green and digital competencies in the public health community and in turn, the healthcare ecosystem. Through our participation, we will also ensure that health equity across the social gradient is strongly integrated across the different project components.
EuroHealthNet is involved in evaluating the impact of the implementation of the blueprint skills strategy. It also contributes to other project components, including skills intelligence, the development the blueprint itself and the health multistakeholder partnership launched as part of the Pact for Skills. EuroHealthNet’s cross-cutting focus is advocating the importance of skills for health promotion, prevention and public health as a key health workforce competence. The organisation also seeks to draw in on the health and social equity lens of the project.